Welcome to the Land of Cannibalistic Horses

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Welcome to the Land of Cannibalistic Horses


I wrote the book Welcome to the Land of Cannibalistic Horses during the 2004 Presidential campaigns while crisscrossing the USA in a bright green RV. Illustrated and designed by Mike Force, Cannibalistic Horses is a nearly 600-page tomb of personal narrative, comics, profiles, political reportage, and cultural criticism.

The book tells many stories: visiting Orlando in search of Freedom but instead finding myself drug-addled and detained by police in the Happiest Place on Earth, contemplating who has the best job in America, and consequently interviewing the organ player at Wrigley Field, sneaking into both the BET Awards and the Democratic National Convention, gentrifying Bed-Stuy, and many more….

The book also features interviews with Wesley Willis, David LaChapelle, Bernardine Dohrn, Dan Savage, Jim Coch, Gloria Feldt among others.

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